
    RWC2020A Interference Generator is an interference generator being able to be used for the purpose of various tests or measurements, e.g. the Listen Before Talk(LBT) test, the Gateway Non-regression tests, the Intermodulation Immunity test and so on.
    It can generate up to eight multi-tone signals with different output levels per each tone for the LBT test and two tones of up to 20MHz distant for the Intermodulation Immunity test.
    It also can generate a single tone with phase noise of high performance for the Gateway Non-regression tests.



    RWC2020A is an interference generator being able to be used for the purpose of various tests or measurements, e.g. the Listen Before Talk(LBT) test, the Gateway Non-regression tests, the Intermodulation Immunity test and so on. It can generate up to eight multi-tone signals with different output levels per each tone for the LBT test and two tones of up to 20MHz distant for the Intermodulation Immunity test. It also can generate a single tone with phase noise of high performance for the Gateway Non-regression tests.


    RWC2020A shall be connected to RWC5020B via RS-232C for control and setup of the full automation tests.



    • #14008, OfficeSection Bld, SK M-city, 195, Baengma-ro, ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

    • +82-70-7727-7011

    • sales@redwoodcomm.com