
  • Hits : 2,877
  • Date : 2023.08.19
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RWC5020A/B/M and RWC5021P PC Software Release V1.400 Aug 17 2021


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It is strongly recommended to uninstall the old software from your PC before installing V1.400.



1.       This PC Application will be run correctly only if the SW and FW version is matched(FW V1.400 or higher)

2.       This detects RWC5020A/B/M, RWC5021P automatically 


[Function Upgrade]

1.       Pre-Certification

a. Class B certification(V1.0) added

b. Class C certification(V1.0.1) added

c. Retransmission Backoff/Similarity added in All region

2.       Generation report

a. Removed the Generation report in .doc formation

b. Added the the Generation report in .html formation

c. Report formation is modified based on html functionality

[Bugs Fixed]

1.       Fixed the wrong command  “CONF:LINK:ADR_CH_MASK”  instead of 

“CONF:LINK:ADR_CH_MASK_OPT” in the script function.

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