RWC5020x SW_V1.305_20201125 | |
RWC5020A/B/M PC Software Release V1.305 Nov 25 2020 (nonofficial)
It is strongly recommended to uninstall the old software from your PC before installing V1.305. [Caution] 1. This PC Application will be run correctly only if the SW and FW version is matched (FW V1.305) 2. This detects RWC5020A/B/M automatically. [Improvement] 1. A Link message box is added in the MFG test function. 2. The range of the TIME_OFFSET parameter was extended from +/-10,000us to +/-100,000us. 3. INIT_RX_GAIN parameter is changed to RX_GAIN. This parameter will be synchronized with RWC5020x equipment after connection. 4. RX_GAIN_WARNING_TO parameter is added. This parameter will be synchronized with RWC5020x equipment after connection. If no packets are received during the timeout, a warning message is displayed on the screen of the tester and the PC application program. [Improvement] 1. Mal-function of UL channel list modification
RWC5020A/B/M PC Software Release V1.301 Aug 24 2020 (nonofficial) [Bug fix] 1. fixed a bug that DEV_EUI was not configurable in the V1.300. |
- Previos
- RWC2100F_App_V1.020_20210118